Monday, August 2, 2010


Remember those two little puppies we watched a couple months ago? that they are about 9 weeks old, they have a new home.

Our home!!!

We picked them up Saturday morning and are still completely head-over-heels in love.  They haven't had any accidents in the house, and we set up a little fenced-in area in our backyard...which they love!!  It's nice that they have each other because when we DO leave them we feel good knowing they still have a playmate.

So without any further delay...introducing:

Peach and Rambo!
(You can probably guess who named who, right?)


(Rambo's on the left and Peach is on the right....both looking very guilty.)

They are just the sweetest little pups ever!!  Peach is definitely my baby and a big-time cuddler.  Rambo is super rambunctious and loves fighting Eric, Peach, and myself at all times.  They both are kennel-trained and on their way to be fully house-broken.  They love being outside most of the time but at night we set up their beds and toys in the kitchen with a little baby-gate just in case they have accidents.  

Right now I am watching them have a huge wrestling match out back, they are nonstop entertainment!  Eric and I are trying not to spoil them too much but are definitely planning on having them well-trained.  We took them to Volksfest (a big carnival/fair for the Germans & Americans) and they were treated like celebrities.  Sooo many people (most of which didn't even speak English) ran up to us to shower the puppies in love and kisses.  They behaved really well, letting any and everyone hold them and play with them--even falling asleep in strangers' laps!  Sunday we took them on a walk into town, but ended up carrying them most of the way, and they seemed to really enjoy it.  We want them to be really socialized while they're young so they can join us on our many adventures.

Yup, it's true love.

1 comment:

  1. I have to say - they're so darn cute! Enjoy your babies!
