We moved in on the 12th, just us and our suitcases until the Army brought us some loaner furniture. The Miranda's (remember how they've been helping us out?) really out-did themselves and brought us one of their TV's to use, sheets, pillows, blankets, and a microwave--even their car for a day! So nice! The rest of the weekend was spent enjoying our lovely town. We went to a pizzeria for dinner one night, and the döner place a couple more times too. Downtown is only about a 1o minute walk from our front door. We drank some great beer, and explored some of the local shops. We walked around the field behind our house (our backyard opens up to pure countryside with amazing views of the town) and played in the snow all by ourselves...so fun! This first photo is the side of our house!
From the field we can see the whole town of Eschenbach. There are 2 churches (can you find the steeple of one?) whose bells we can hear from our house! Our home is out of frame in the right-hand corner of the photo.
Above: Eric looking into the woods that are behind our house. There were animal prints everywhere and a little frozen stream. We can't wait to see this area once all the snow is gone! Below: Me trying to walk through the knee-deep snow. Our house is the last one on the right (we are one of the furthest houses out on that side of town.)
Since we were together-in our empty home-on Valentine's day, we had to celebrate a little unconventionally. We went to the PX on the 13th, both sneakily picked out cards, and then bought each other a pair of shoes. On the 14th we opened our cards (surprise!!!!) and then walked into downtown, bought some delicious pastries and then to a flower shop where Eric bought me some lovely flowers. We then walked home and had a great day saying how lucky we were. Although it might not have been the most romantic V-day in the world, it was definitely our favorite so far. (Below: Downtown Eschenbach Valentine's morning)
Don't these pastries look great? Omigosh they were delicious!
Here we are! Thrilled to be in our Bavarian hometown!
I spent the rest of the week decorating, and redecorating. Luckily, the Miranda's helped us out even more: driving Eric to and from work every single day, and taking me grocery shopping more than once. So very generous! I plan on bringing them a thank-you note, flowers and cookies this week. I also had a lot of help from my new friend Christalin. She took the bus here from her base a couple times last week to help me hang things, clean, etc. It's been nice having another girl's opinion around here.
Eric and I also got a lot of information about school and financial assistance. He is starting his online classes very soon and has decided on Criminal Justice. He gets this all paid for, and the classes he's taken through the military count as college credits for him. He plans on finishing his BA while in the Army, then he can use his GI Bill to get his Master's when he is out. There are a lot of job opportunities for him with those degrees plus his military background: FBI, police, DEA, Homeland Security, etc etc. We also got information for my schooling, and found out I get quite a bit paid for as well. And there are countless more scholarships/grants I can apply for as a military spouse. I am super excited to get going on that. What's really nice is there is an option to actually take face-to-face classes here on base, as well as online courses.
All in all, our first week here went really well (except not having Internet!!) which brings us to this past weekend. Friday was a birthday party for a guy Eric works with, which was really fun, and then Eric and I went out for a little German dinner here in town. On Saturday the Miranda's picked us up at about 10am and drove us to the nearby town of Weiden. It was a 20 minute drive there and they showed us nearly everything that place had to offer. They brought us into furniture stores, clothing stores, hardware stores, restaurants, ice cream shops, grocery stores, everywhere! It was such a fun day, and we didn't get back til about 4pm that evening. Once we get our car we plan on visiting Weiden again soon. It was so nice to get a tour of the place-there were a lot of things we wouldn't have known about without the Miranda's help. Again, we owe them!
The past couple days haven't been too exciting. We have finally gotten to Skype a couple times, check our emails, etc. I took my driver's test yesterday, and passed--so now we are both ready to drive the roads of Bavaria! We get our car this week and are excited for the upcoming weekend! We are still having a great time here and feeling really at home in our new place.
Below: A few more photos of our new town.
Aren't the colors beautiful? They really love pastels here in Germany! The middle photo is the church closest to our house, and across the street from the little döner kebab shop.
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