Sunday, September 5, 2010


Why are all Sugar-Free foods 4x's more expensive than their tastier counterparts?  The selection at the Commissary is slim and braving the German grocery store looking for things with no "Zucker" seems like a lengthy process.  It was weird being so diligent at reading nutrition labels and being extra picky about what I put in the cart.  But definitely not bad for us to start being more aware of what we're consuming anyways.

On a high note, I bought 4 books off of Amazon today:  Diabetes 1 for Dummies, and 3 different Diabetes-friendly cookbooks.  I am sooo anxious to get them and start really learning how to keep Eric healthy.

Eric got to come home for a few hours today (yesterday too) between meals.  The dogs were thrilled to see him and he seems all-around more relaxed and happy.  I think he's ready to be home for good and start packing on some pounds.  He knows he'll never be as big as he used to be, but being in shape is super important to him.  He actually has been considering starting a blog if not just to log what he eats, how he works out, and how he gets his weight up.  I think that would probably be a good thing for him....I'll keep you all posted.

Thanks still for all of the comments and kind emails.

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