Eric graciously woke up at 6am with me so we could Skype with my family on their Christmas Eve while opening presents. It was unconventional but actually really fun to "be" there with everyone. After an hour of that, we went back to sleep on the couch--with both pups--until about 9am. We opened our presents from each other--which went quickly but was fun! (Eric got me a leopard-print pea-coat and some boots and I got him a vest and a pull-up bar.) From there, our morning was full of cooking and baking until the early afternoon. I baked my Grandma's Corn Souffle and my Kentucky Derby Pie, and Eric cooked up some bacon-wrapped stuffed jalapeƱos...which by the way were delicious! My friend's husband picked us up at about 1pm, since the roads were sooo terrible and it was snowing like crazy, for festivities at their house. It was us, them & their 2 little girls, and another coworker friend of mine who's husband is in Afghanistan this year. We played lots of games, ate loottttssss of food, and had a really fun time. Their daughters are 3 and 5, so we brought them a bag full of gifts and they went totally crazy! We ended up staying there until pretty much all day. It was just really good to do something "Christmasey" instead of sitting in our house all day. I was so flattered that their shared their home with us and a great time was had by all.
We were back in time for making calls back home before settling in for a movie and another night with the dogs.
A very Merry Christmas.