Well I haven't written on here forever right? Not for lack of things to say, but mostly lack of time to sit down and ramble about what we've been so busy doing. And the answer is: nothing that thrilling. We're up each week day at 430am, and are in bed by 830 each night. It's a crazy schedule but it's been working well for us and really is the only way for us both not to be totally useless at work each day.
Speaking of work, it's going great. I run into a little student here or there (at the grocery store, gas station, etc etc.) and they're always soo cute about it. Today Eric and I were in Pressath (a town about 15 minutes away) buying some gardening stuff and we saw a little girl of mine who screamed "Mrs. Clark!!!!" and begged for a hug. Just adorable. Eric surprised them (and me!) the other week when he showed up in our classroom a few minutes before school got out. The little girls were head-over-heels in love with him, and everybody seemed so shocked at how big he was--he looks a lot bigger when surrounded by 25 5-year-olds. They of course thought it was hilarious that his name is "Mr. Clark" and Eric thought it was hilarious when I did a magic trick for all of them (I had promised I would perform one if they all stood quietly in line). Mostly just embarrassing for me, but oh well. For those of you present at my Bridal Showers, you'll know which "magic trick" I performed--nothing too mind-blowing.
When we're not at work, we have a good little routine set up as well. We've been eating healthier than ever, which is great for Eric of course and surprisingly doesn't hurt me either...mostly a lot of fish, veggies, etc. Weekends are dedicated to a daily gym trip, house-cleaning, and pampering our puppies. We've been taking them on a nightly 1-mile walk, which they really have been enjoying. They're doing so so good on their leashes and it's a good chance for the 4 of us to get out, explore our town, and meet neighbors, local Germans, and of course their dogs too!

A couple weekends ago, we had the special treat of being invited to a baptism for our neighbors' little baby girl. It was held at the Catholic church here in Eschenbach and it was just so lovely. Little Sophia looked adorable and her parents and godparents (our friends, the Mirandas) were beaming--proof of SSG Miranda's joy in the photo below. Afterwards was a big party at the Mirandas' house which left us both feeling a little sentimental about missing family.

Other than that, we've just been getting ready for my parents' visit. Did I mention they are going to be here THIS weekend? I'm pretty excited about it and they are too of course. We have some great fun planned--for example, a trip to Prague. I'm also taking a couple days off of work to give myself a long weekend while they're here, which will be really nice. I'm glad they can come out now, since we don't know how much longer we'll be calling this country "home". We are excited for them to meet our puppies too--who will be joining us on our trip to Czech!
As for big updates, we don't have many. Eric's still probably a few weeks away from knowing any details about the how/when/what of a Medical Discharge...and I'll be updating this as soon as we find out. He's been going to a few appointments a week (just basic stuff: eyes, ears, etc.) to get that all out of the way, but mostly it's now just a waiting game. Physically he's doing really well though now. His injections seem to be second-nature and he's adapted to all of this so much better than I ever would've. He's shown so much self-control about eating right, exercising a lot, etc. I'm quite impressed...but not surprised.
So right now here is what looks like our tentative plan: definitely visit WA over Christmas and New Years, then probably will move back
home by March. Crazy right? Once we're there, here's what we will be doing: we most likely will be renting my old house (the one I lived in from Elementary School 'til after High School) from my parents (surreal, but convenient for all of us) and the Army will be paying our rent each month while Eric is in school. He'll be entering the Nursing program at Wenatchee Valley College, and I'll earn my Teaching Degree. We'll both obviously have to find a job pretty quickly--something part-time at first for sure. And although it's bittersweet to be leaving here, we honestly are really anxious to be back in Washington near our family and friends. We both feel like that is when our
real life will start and we're ready to turn the page. Germany has been 100% more incredible than we could've hoped, but we both admit to being homebodies who are way more family-oriented than life-abroad allows. We have been so lucky in what we've been able to do in just 14 months of marriage and we can't wait for all the great times awaiting us back in the States.
(Love our boys' house as much as we do?!)
Hope you all have a lovely week!