This is my last post about Brent & April's visit here, so I'll make the text brief and add lots of photos.
After so many nights in hotels and long days spent walking in the heat...we were all visibly thankful to be back in our home in Eschenbach. Thursday we went to Weiden for a little shopping/gelato/food, but then had a mellow evening back at our place.
Friday we decided to pack a picnic, lots of cold drinks and some chairs, then head to the lake. It was just a 5 minute drive and a perfect way to spend the afternoon. Brent and Eric both wore speedos (very popular here in Germany) and April and I tanned while they both swam and played Frisbee.
We went to Nuremburg for the day on Saturday: lots of window shopping, more gelato, and toured the underground dungeons. We also walked up to the castle for a great view of the city, then saw a movie at a nearby theater (luckily it was in English!).
Sunday we opted for another day spent by the lake, lounging in the sun, and then Brent and April were off to Munich for a few days while Eric and I caught up on sleep and housework back home.
Since they were flying out of Prague on the 19th (a Monday) we decided it would make sense to go back there for the weekend instead of the original plan of someplace further away. We packed a few bags, and once Eric got off work we headed the 2 hours to our favorite place. That night was just a quick dinner at a Mexican restaurant, but we were all so hot and tired that we called it a night early. Saturday we went back to the outdoor market and bought a few more souvenirs, then took the train about 50 minutes outside of Prague to the town of Kutna Hora. There, we saw the famous Bone Church. This was a small cathedral full of the bones of 40,000 people. Creepy to say the least. We ate a quick bite (and more gelato) then head back to Prague. The train ride was pretty nice and we were back in our apartment in time to change and head back out on the town. We bought tickets for the Black Light Theater which was...interesting, but every entertaining. Afterwards we found a Pub near our place and spent the remainder of the night there. The fun thing about this Pub was that each table had it's own keg/tap and a screen that calculated how many liters you had poured. Then, on a large projector screen in the bar, each tables total was displayed in a big competition. The screen also rotated with many other bars against Czech that were also part of the race. It was super fun and a great way to spend our last night together. Before Eric and I left Sunday morning we had breakfast at Kafka's Diner--a place we fell in love with the week before, bought a few more souvenirs, then said our goodbyes! All in all, such an amazing 2 weeks.

The boys showing off their suits.

We also had a good time in Nuremburg, we showed off the sights we knew but also loved seeing the castle and the dungeon tour for the first time.

About a week before Brent and April arrived, we found out Brent couldn't have gluten--which automatically ruled out a lot of the food that we love so much here in Germany. I researched some gluten-free recipes however and had fun making G-free brownies, pastas and burgers. It was sometimes a struggle though finding food he could eat when you can't read menus very well!

Me reading while also trying to give Eric a back rub. Below, April and I enjoying ice cream bars at the lake...we also were in competition to finish our books: we were reading the same one!

All of us out for dinner on our first night back in Prague.

The Bone Church was really interesting, but pretty freaky. It was such a different place to be in, gave me the creeps for sure!

Brent and April on the train ride--we sat next to some pretty entertaining people. Below, us couples outside our apartment in Prague.

This hopefully gives an OK view of the taps that were at our table at the Pub. Seriously such a fun idea for a restaurant.
Wow, seriously can't believe that our vacation is over. It was so much fun and we saw so many incredible things. Thanks Brent & April for coming to see us! We love you and miss you both already!