Monday, May 31, 2010

Happy Memorial Day

(Eric and an Iraqi boy, 2008)

(Inside the hanger after Eric's plane landed back in Tennessee.)

No matter your beliefs on the war in the Middle East, I urge you to take a moment today to honor those who fought for your freedom to hold those beliefs. As someone who's waited for a plane bringing our troops home-some who had nobody waiting for them when they landed, as someone who's husband is sleeping in the woods tonight-not at home with me, as someone who knows people sleeping in Afghanistan tonight or flying there this month-not with family for 1 year...please remember it's not just another day off. I am so proud of our troops: past, present and future...the best part of America. Happy Memorial Day.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Why I'm Not A Soldier

Just got off the phone with Eric, haven't heard from him since Wednesday, and it was great catching up. I've been pretty lonely and it was such a happy surprise.

I updated him on life in the "real world":
Celebrity gossip (vital information!)
The newest American Idol winner (Lee Dewyze--our favorite!!)
All of the news about our friends in Afghanistan
Flea market finds and cleaning projects
Almost stepping on a bee (my life is clearly hard)
Family updates and stories

He told me about the nightmare he's experiencing:
Spiders infesting his backpack
Not getting to sleep til 3am last night (averaging 5 hrs per night)
The horrible fact that it's been raining nonstop
How "long" his hair is now
His crazy tan lines reminiscent of the ones post-Iraq (hands and face only)

It sounds like EFMB is pretty miserable, not surprising. He passed the physical fitness testing but now they're just doing a lot of training (mostly land navigation). The training has only been made worse by the weather we've been having: making everything very very muddy and wet. During the day they had to shimmy (probably not the best military term) on their backs through mud under razor wire about a foot above the ground. During the night they had night land navigation...where after the first few minutes Eric's flashlight stop working. So, armed with a glow stick, Eric had to find 4 points in the thick, dark and rainy woods with a map and a compass. It's super hilly here, and even more extreme where Eric's at, so I guess it was really difficult. Eric said at one point he just had to sit down in the mud and slide down a hill because it was too steep and slippery to walk down. He then walked through a bunch of sticker bushes until they were so thick that he had to turn around: which meant crawling under them on his stomach using his rifle to break branches as he went. He said at the end of the night people were so exhausted that they were just laying in the mud sleeping.

Just a bundle of even more reasons why the Army wouldn't be a good fit for me. Eric seconded that in his call saying that he could just imagine me crying the whole time. I think I'd either die instantly of a panic attack or sob my whole way through everything. Realistically, I have a feeling the Army would've kicked me out before that day came. It just sounds like a complete nightmare. And there are about 20 women there doing the training with them. How?!??!?!??!

Aye aye aye, I feel bad for the guy and am super anxious to get him home.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Updated Decor!

Well I finally took photos of our new decor, I'm pretty excited about it!!! I did most of the redecorating while Eric was gone last week, and gave him a walking tour upon his return...he probably wouldn't have noticed otherwise. I did lots of little stuff, but thought I'd just post the major changes! Hope you all approve!

I hung a cluster of our wedding photos outside the office. They look so pretty together...I really like the collection all side by side.

I also framed our Save The Dates, Engagement Announcement, and Marriage Announcement. I mounted them on some black & white craft paper that went nice with our bedroom decor, I think it turned out really cute. Here's a little peek.

On the same craft paper I also mounted a bunch of our "fortunes" people wrote us at our reception. They are just too sweet to keep in a box and I love having them displayed. They are so fun to read over and over!

I bought some red vinyl decals and cut out this pattern to add some color and life to the giant wooden dresser in our room. I liked the punch color (really plays well off of other accents in our room) and its removable!

I rearranged some art in our room to make room for the new stuff.

Don't the pillowcases look cute framed above our bed? I just love them!!

And finally, because this may be boring to those of you who aren't me, our living room!

Living Room Before:

Living Room After:

I'm sure it's kind of hard to tell the differences in the photos (if you click on a picture it gets bigger, fyi!), but it seems pretty drastic from this end. I love how our home is turning out, it's really "us". I also hung Eric's antlers in the office, and finally found spots for all our flea market finds. But there's several more marts while Eric is gone so God only knows what kind of trouble I'll find.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Making the Best

As of this morning, Eric is off again! The house feels so big and empty and quiet. Without him it stays pretty neat...although today I've found more than a few pair of big man socks strewn throughout the many levels + 1 giant flip flop in the kitchen + spare camel back hanging in the bathroom + several emptied cardboard boxes = all evidence that he was here last night and this morning, packing hastily.

I'm so anxious to hear how he does at EFMB. I selfishly want him to fail out the first week so he can come home, but I'm hoping he does really good and shows them all who's boss! He knows he'll for sure make it through the first week since it's all physical fitness testing. I know he'll also do just fine on the 12-hour road march and I'm crossing my fingers he passes the land navigation courses. He's been given lots of good opportunity and praise at the NCO Academy and I know he wants to make them proud as a representative at EFMB. I'll of course let you all know how that goes.

The past week was actually super nice. We had had that whole week apart, and knew he was leaving again today, so really made the best of it. Meaning: hand holding, lots of good meals, movies, working out, bowling, bbqing...the works! While he was gone the other week it had been stormy and raining nonstop, but all last week and this weekend the sun was out in full force! It was a happy 7 days indeed.

Last night was more or less a bummer. After he packed about three giant bags full of necessities (and goodies like beef jerky and power bars), I slipped in about a dozen little notes for him to discover throughout the next three weeks. He is bringing his cell so MAY be able to talk occasionally, but I am not going to get my hopes up about it. He looked like a little boy headed off to summer camp this morning: big goofy smile and his green duffel bags.

UPDATE!!!!! He just called!!!! As I was writing this!! The call was brief, about 5 minutes, but he did have time to inform me that they get to sleep on bunk beds that are "nasty as hell". Poor guys. I don't know how the rest of the conditions are going to be (I know the meals are pretty basic: thus him packing the treats) but at least they get to sleep indoors this time. Eric went to a training this past fall in Tennessee and after just ONE night outdoors came back with somewhere between 200 and 300 bug bites. Just another of the many reasons I was not cut out to be part of the military.

Well, it's sleep time for me now. Here are a couple photos from our weekend, enjoy!

Please don't ask about our (meaning MY) bowling scores.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Eric's Home!!

....and leaving again soon!

I picked up Eric yesterday morning and couldn't be happier to have him back. We were both pretty tired--and he was definitely jet lagged--so we spent the day napping and watching movies. Quite exciting. But, like I hoped, he brought me gifts!!!! 2 adorable dresses and a couple interior design magazines! He's one smart guy!

But then today...a few hours ago, he found out one of his trainings is being pushed up and he has to leave Monday!! He's going to be gone 2-3 weeks so it will be pretty rough but again, could be worse. The training is EFMB (stands for Expert Field Medical Badge) which if some of you remember correctly, Eric had last spring as well. It was a total disaster, he only made it through a week and a half, and ended up having to miss Tiffanie's (his sister) wedding. Later Eric found out that it had been a lack of communication and he actually didn't HAVE to go, and therefore missed the wedding for no reason. Needless to say it was a stressful and upsetting time in our lives. He thinks he's going to do a lot better this time around, especially since he won't have all that added stress on him during this time. It's a lot of cognitive and physical training: land navigation, physical fitness testing etc. So send him your positive energy thoughts!!!

He'll be about 3 hours away from here, so MIGHT be able to chat occasionally, we'll see. We have a 3-day weekend together starting Friday, so we plan on having lots of fun before he goes. It feels like every time we start loving the Army, something annoying happens again. But like I said, I'm trying to be more positive about it considering we are sooo incredibly lucky to be where we are, when we are. Feel free to ignore me if I get too whiney from time to time.

PS--Photos of our new decor to come soon!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Flea Market Addiction Continues

Like the title says, I really can't get enough of these things. Today I drove 30 minutes from our town just to go to one!! But it's a German holiday so everything (EVERYTHING!!!) else is closed so there really was little else to do.

The mart didn't seem to promising at first, but then once I made my second round a little German woman pulled me aside, brought me to her car, and started showing me piles and piles of fabric. She didn't speak in English but we got the gist of what we were each trying to say. I ended up buying quite a few little things from here--for around 20 Euro total. She seemed pretty happy about it and kept saying what I think was "all this for you! just for you!" Hahaha. Anyways, here is my new loot. I have a few fun ideas on where to put the stuff so I'll keep you posted.

This strip of tan lace. Still figuring out what to do with it.

This big piece of embroidered linen. I think it would look pretty in our room with that green bedding...I'll take a photo if it works out.

This big white embroidered table cloth. I picture it outside this summer while we drink mojitos.

I really thought this was a pretty piece. You can't really tell in the photo but the birds are more of a fluorescent color. Again, not quite sure where to use it but I have some ideas.

I also bought these two banners from the lady for 2 Euro each. This first one says "Spaziert Herein" which means "Come In", "Stroll In", "Walk In", etc etc. I have it hanging inside by our front door. The second says "GrĂ¼ss Gott", which is similar to the English "God Bless" but more literally translates to "Greetings to God".

I really think they are all fun little pieces. I know we'll definitely have them for awhile. There is another Flea Market on my calendar for tomorrow, but sadly I don't think I can make it...I have another appointment to turn in a job application, which is a little more important but a lot less fun.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Apart Again

As of last night, Eric has officially landed safely in San Antonio. And just in time too: apparently about 30 minutes after his flight departed, the airspace above Munich was closed due to the volcanic ash. But he did arrive and is now having a great time in Texas. Eric loved it while he was stationed there, and I loved it when I visited, so I'm very jealous of his "vacation".

After all the time, days & months, we've spent apart, Eric and I have adapted quite well to other means of communication: letters, emails, Facebook, web-cams. Therefore, Skyping with him today actually felt rather natural. He showed me America through the lens on his computer, and I gave him a refresher view of Germany. Last night was a little strange, being in this house alone, but we've spent further lots of time apart (a year--twice!!!--to be exact) and when I look at our friends from Tennessee who are now spending 12 months in Iraq, a week in Texas is a very welcome 7 days indeed.

I do wish he'd hurry home though. But not before buying me a souvenir.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

"The angels, whispering to one another,
Can find, among their burning terms of love,
None so devotional as that of 'Mother'."
-Edgar Allan Poe

Happy Mom's Day to our two beautiful and fabulous moms, who raised us right-if I may say so myself. We love you and wish we could be there with you today!

Friday, May 7, 2010


As an early wedding gift, my mom gave me and Eric a set of embroidered pillowcases. They were actually originally a wedding gift for her mom (my grandmother) and had just kept being passed down, but never used. Well, I thought they were completely adorable, but just too pretty and dainty to actually use, so have been brainstorming what to do with them. And so...

Aren't they just so cute? The His case is saying "I'm Willin, Ma" and the Her case is saying "Cool it, Pa". Slightly inappropriate, but so sweet. I just picked them up from the frame shop an hour ago and can't wait to hang them in our room--I'm thinking above our respective sides of the bed.

Just thought I'd share. Thank you mom...and grandma!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

What We've Been Up To

I can hardly believe that it's already Thursday...where did this week go?!? I feel like all week I was just driving around and running errands, but I thought I'd keep you all posted on a few things we've been doing/have up ahead.

1. We went to Regensburg last Friday night with a couple guys Eric works with. They drove home late but Eric and I ended up getting a hotel. It was super fun and Regensburg was totally gorgeous--we plan to go back very soon.

2. I finally ordered, and began framing, a lot of our wedding photos. They look so pretty in an actual tangible form and I can't wait to display them in our house. I still have about 10 more I want to get frames for...too much?

3. I went to another Flea Market on Wednesday in Grafenwoehr. I bought these pretty glass decanters (although I have no idea what I'll use them for, if anything) and this cute little bell jar clock. I put the clock on that new table we got, and I think the decanters will look pretty in our bathroom.

4. Speaking of fun finds, we got this "Evil Eye" at a Turkish Tent Sale outside on post. A man was selling all sorts of things: painted dishes, copper kettles, giant much pretty stuff. I saw a little coin purse there the other day that I loved, but I didn't have any Euros on me. So the guy just goes "gift for you!!" and gave it to me! I was very flattered, so had to come back with Eric and buy something. Apparently the Evil Eye, nazar, is an amulet that's very popular in Turkey for having the power to protect from evil spirits. Almost all houses would have one in them, and they even pin them to babies' clothing to protect them as well. I don't know if we believe in all that, but we thought it couldn't hurt to own one!

5. Eric is leaving me on Sunday for a week! Where's he going? San Antonio, Texas!! He's going there for a training and I'm pretty jealous. We both loved San Antonio when he was stationed there for AIT and I wish I could go back too. He's staying in a hotel with some coworkers that's literally right on the Riverwalk, lucky guys. I'll just be in Europe all alone for 7 days!! Who can say that?! I think it will be a little strange, we haven't had that much time apart in awhile now, and it will be weird to plan when/how to talk as our cellphones won't work there. But I know he'll have a great time and I have a giant "To Do" list to keep my week full.

6. I finally am starting the application process to find a job! I know, I know, it took me long enough. But we finally feel totally settled and it's definitely about time I go back to work. It's kind of a tricky system here though: you either have to apply through the Department of Defense of a contractor, so there is literally stacks of paperwork for me to fill out, not including my resume and application. I'm hoping to get a job with the school district or child development center. Wish me luck!

7. Speaking of accomplishing things, Eric and I both start back in college courses this summer...hooray! I'll keep you posted on what/where/how but we are both very anxious to finish our degrees. The Army pays Eric's tuition in full (and he'll still have his GI Bill when he gets out to do his Master's) and I'm planning on using my income to pay my tuition...since we both are still paying back student loans to a certain Washington university whom will not be named.

8. Spring is definitely here, and the wildlife is out and about to prove it. Last week I saw a peacock in OUR driveway!! Can you believe it? A giant purple peacock! It was shocking. Then yesterday after I dropped Eric off at work, I saw a wild ferret running down the side of the road. I also saw a little red fox last night on my drive home. We've seen a couple fox now, many small deer, swans, plenty of hawk, and a few giant hare. Apparently there are wild boar in the woods around here--which Eric's dying to see, and I would die if I did see.

Ok, all for now, need to get some cleaning done and plan a dinner. Hope May is treating you all well!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Our Neighbors Bought Sheep!

And we couldn't be more excited about it.