I can hardly believe that it's already Thursday...where did this week go?!? I feel like all week I was just driving around and running errands, but I thought I'd keep you all posted on a few things we've been doing/have up ahead.
1. We went to Regensburg last Friday night with a couple guys Eric works with. They drove home late but Eric and I ended up getting a hotel. It was super fun and Regensburg was totally gorgeous--we plan to go back very soon.

2. I finally ordered, and began framing, a lot of our wedding photos. They look so pretty in an actual tangible form and I can't wait to display them in our house. I still have about 10 more I want to get frames for...too much?

3. I went to another Flea Market on Wednesday in Grafenwoehr. I bought these pretty glass decanters (although I have no idea what I'll use them for, if anything) and this cute little bell jar clock. I put the clock on that new table we got, and I think the decanters will look pretty in our bathroom.

4. Speaking of fun finds, we got this "Evil Eye" at a Turkish Tent Sale outside on post. A man was selling all sorts of things: painted dishes, copper kettles, giant rugs..so much pretty stuff. I saw a little coin purse there the other day that I loved, but I didn't have any Euros on me. So the guy just goes "gift for you!!" and gave it to me! I was very flattered, so had to come back with Eric and buy something. Apparently the Evil Eye, nazar, is an amulet that's very popular in Turkey for having the power to protect from evil spirits. Almost all houses would have one in them, and they even pin them to babies' clothing to protect them as well. I don't know if we believe in all that, but we thought it couldn't hurt to own one!

5. Eric is leaving me on Sunday for a week! Where's he going? San Antonio, Texas!! He's going there for a training and I'm pretty jealous. We both loved San Antonio when he was stationed there for AIT and I wish I could go back too. He's staying in a hotel with some coworkers that's literally right on the Riverwalk, lucky guys. I'll just be in Europe all alone for 7 days!! Who can say that?! I think it will be a little strange, we haven't had that much time apart in awhile now, and it will be weird to plan when/how to talk as our cellphones won't work there. But I know he'll have a great time and I have a giant "To Do" list to keep my week full.
6. I finally am starting the application process to find a job! I know, I know, it took me long enough. But we finally feel totally settled and it's definitely about time I go back to work. It's kind of a tricky system here though: you either have to apply through the Department of Defense of a contractor, so there is literally stacks of paperwork for me to fill out, not including my resume and application. I'm hoping to get a job with the school district or child development center. Wish me luck!
7. Speaking of accomplishing things, Eric and I both start back in college courses this summer...hooray! I'll keep you posted on what/where/how but we are both very anxious to finish our degrees. The Army pays Eric's tuition in full (and he'll still have his GI Bill when he gets out to do his Master's) and I'm planning on using my income to pay my tuition...since we both are still paying back student loans to a certain Washington university whom will not be named.
8. Spring is definitely here, and the wildlife is out and about to prove it. Last week I saw a peacock in OUR driveway!! Can you believe it? A giant purple peacock! It was shocking. Then yesterday after I dropped Eric off at work, I saw a wild ferret running down the side of the road. I also saw a little red fox last night on my drive home. We've seen a couple fox now, many small deer, swans, plenty of hawk, and a few giant hare. Apparently there are wild boar in the woods around here--which Eric's dying to see, and I would die if I did see.
Ok, all for now, need to get some cleaning done and plan a dinner. Hope May is treating you all well!